Course Numbering System

The department’s overall numbering scheme is based on Georgetown’s course numbering scheme with the following modifications:

CS Department Course Numbering System
Course RangeCourse Type
1X00-1X19Non-major Courses
1X20-1X99Introductory Undergraduate Courses
2X00-2X99Intermediate Undergraduate Courses
3X00-3X99Upper-level Undergraduate Courses
4X00-4X99Over/Under Courses
5X00-5X99Introductory Graduate Courses
6X00-6X99Intermediate and Advanced Graduate Courses
7X00-7X99Graduate Seminars and Topics Courses
8X00-8X99Doctoral Seminars

Within each course range, we number courses based on the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) using the following conventions:

Mapping from Course Number Templates to ACM CCS Concepts
Course Number TemplateCCS Concept
X0XXSoftware and its engineering
X1XXMathematics of computing
X2XXTheory of computing
X3XXHardware and computer systems organization
X4XXComputing methodologies
X5XXInformation systems
X7XXSecurity and privacy
X8XXHuman-centered computing
X9XXApplied computing and interdisciplinary topics

In Fall 2023, Georgetown University switched from a three-digit course numbering system to a four-digit system. The Registrar Office’s Course Renumbering Crosswalk documents the mapping between these two systems.